Maps of soil pH for south-western Victoria - pH CaCL 0-5 cm (predicted mean)
Data and Resources
Maps of soil pH for south-western Victoria - pH CaCL 0-5 cm (predicted mean) - WMSWMS
An OGC compliant Web Map Service (WMS) endpoint for this resource. To access...
Maps of soil pH for south-western Victoria - pH CaCL 0-5 cm (predicted mean) - WCSWCS
An OGC compliant Web Coverage Service (WCS) provided by GeoServer.
Maps of soil pH for south-western Victoria - pH CaCL 0-5 cm (predicted mean) - GeoTIFF ZIPGeoTIFF
A Zipped GeoTIFF raster output provided by GeoServer WCS DirectDownload service
Maps of soil pH for south-western Victoria - pH CaCL 0-5 cm (predicted mean) - ArcGrid GZIPgzip:ArcGrid
ArcGrid output provided by GeoServer WCS service
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | June 12, 2018, 3:06 PM (UTC+00:00) |
Created | June 12, 2018, 3:06 PM (UTC+00:00) |
ANDS RDA Harvest? | true |
CRS | CRS:84 |
Data custodian | Nathan Robinson |
Data custodian email | |
Data custodian organisation | CeRDI |
Data custodian position | Research Fellow |
Owner | Nathan Robinson |
Owner email | |
Owner organisation | CeRDI |
Owner position | Research Fellow |
Queryable? | Yes |
spatial | { "type":"Polygon", "coordinates":[[[140.88514084603, -37.025168237805],[140.88514084603, -38.866733767674], [144.72460284518, -38.866733767674], [144.72460284518, -37.025168237805], [140.88514084603, -37.025168237805]]] } |
Dataset extent
Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Tiles by Stamen Design (CC BY 3.0)