Sonar DEM showing bottom of dam
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FDF Bendigo Sonar DEM's
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Digital Elevation Model - Victoria (30 meter approx) - grid values
Topography. 30 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM). This layer was merged, clipped and reprojected by CeRDI (Federation University Australia). Elevation data originally sourced... -
Victoria Aquifer Framework - Cretaceous and Palaeozoic Bedrock (basement) - D...
Surface of Cretaceous and Palaeozoic Bedrock (basement) - BSE - 114 - The depth to the surface of the aquifer layer is derived in relation to the Australian Height Datum... -
Digital Elevation Model - Victoria (30 meter approx) - Coloured relief (rgb)
Topography. 30 metre Digital Elevation Model (DEM). This layer was merged, clipped and reprojected by CeRDI (Federation University Australia). A coloured-relief map was... -
Watertable_Elevation (m AHD)
Visual represention of the water table which is calculated in reference to metres above the Australian Height Datum (mAHD). Querying a point on the map produces a pop-up... -
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Primary Production Layer (VRO)
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EPA Victoria - Groundwater quality (restricted use zones) (ARCHIVED)
A GQRUZ refers to area where one or more beneficial uses of groundwater have been restricted. This is identified following an environmental audit where the site has... -
EPA Victoria - Priority Sites Register (archived)
The Priority Sites Register (PSR) consists of a list of publicly available sites that EPA Victoria has issued a clean-up or pollution abatement notice to for... -
EPA Victoria - Environmental Audit Reports (archived)
The EPA audit reports refer to a searchable list of properties under the audit categories 53X Statement and/or Certificate, 53V Audit recommendations/No audit... -
Groundwater Salinity (DELWP)
Visual representation of groundwater salinity levels. Accuracy is indicative only and may be updated without notice. -
Depth To Watertable
Subtracts the water table surface from the land surface and presents it as a graphical display. Surface water (i.e. lakes and rivers) is usually a visual representation of... -
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This dataset has no description
Latham’s Snipe Project National Surveys
Survey count data from the Latham’s Snipe Project National Surveys -
Melbourne wetlands mapping
This shapefile dataset contains polygon features for the Melbourne Water region from a merge of four data sources: Vicmap hydro water area (data.vic.gov.au; Anzlic ID:... -
Southern Farming Systems Moisture Probe Network Data
A network of ~75 telemetered soil moisture probes across Victoria and Tasmania. Data typically includes soil moisture and soil temperature readings at depths 300-1000mm (at... -
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