Mines Act 1890 Section 36 Ballaarat Alliance Permanent Building and Investment Society Ballaarat East Parish of Ballaarat
Data and Resources
Mines Act 1890 Section 36 Ballaarat Alliance Permanent Building and Investment Society Ballaarat East Parish of Ballaarat - WMSWMS
An OGC compliant Web Map Service (WMS) endpoint for this resource. To access...
Mines Act 1890 Section 36 Ballaarat Alliance Permanent Building and Investment Society Ballaarat East Parish of Ballaarat - GeoTIFF ZIPGeoTIFF
A Zipped GeoTIFF raster output provided by GeoServer CSW DirectDownload service
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | November 18, 2020, 5:41 AM (UTC+00:00) |
Created | November 18, 2020, 5:08 AM (UTC+00:00) |
ANDS RDA Harvest? | true |
CRS | CRS:84 |
Queryable? | Yes |
spatial | { "type":"Polygon", "coordinates":[[[143.86094630378, -37.565641056218],[143.86094630378, -37.567948058321], [143.86325330588, -37.567948058321], [143.86325330588, -37.565641056218], [143.86094630378, -37.565641056218]]] } |
Dataset extent
Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Tiles by Stamen Design (CC BY 3.0)